Additions and Subtractions

Friday, December 31, 2010

To Market, To Market to buy a Fat Pig

Frugality is so trendy right now, but it is definitely a way of life for us.  We coupon, we recycle reduce and reuse, we garden.  This is at least true for the Yin part of our household, the Yang tends to splurge.  Balance to the force is crucial, so we are grateful we find joy in our duality.

Regardless, we must now learn these concepts anew.  There are old friends here such as Walmart, Target, KMart, Walgreens, and CVS pharmacy.  But our old and faithful grocery friends will be left far behind.  We are left to learn of the foreign HEB, Randalls, Albertsons, Safeway, Whole Foods, and all of the farmers markets we can find.  Feel free to follow us as we learn all that we can about these new and strange locations.  We will be experts on what to do and NOT to do before long.

I now shed a tear, and pause for a moment of silence for those who will be left behind.  We remember them (and their stellar savings) fondly:

Rite Aid
Harris Teeter
Farm Fresh
Five Points

The Hunt

We (I) began house hunting the moment we found out that we were moving.  While upside down in our home in Virginia, thankfully only one of us is on that mortgage (me).  Keeping our fingers crossed that we can earn a good wage while allowing one of us to stay home, we began the hunt.

Purely happenstance, daddy began his journey by renting a room in Northwest Austin, and immediately fell in love.  The main draw for mama is the school system available for the kids.  Daddy just likes the location (and cycling trails to nowhere).  Sadly, there is no guarantee for mama to find work due to hiring freezes for teachers everywhere.  This leaves our hopes high for a just out of reach promotion, and playing the waiting game until that time.

We have narrowed down the list to a top 11:

Each has it's own draw, and we aren't getting our hopes up on any of them yet.  Hopefully an offer will be made by this time in February. 

The Beginning

Our journey to Texas began unexpectedly.  My husband, dissatisfied with his employment, was looking for that greener pasture that is always on the other side of the fence.  This begat a whirlwind which has turned our lives upside down. 

We had begun to feel as though we were going to live beside the beach forever.  I had accepted that this was life as we knew it.  I couldn't have been more wrong.  If nothing else, the last few years have taught me that the best laid plans of mice and men... are merely plans.

So, here we are.  Myself and my children are counting down the days until we are reunited with daddy while daddy is getting a head start on discovering the beautiful city of Austin, Texas.  I feel better that I have never heard a negative word against Austin, Texas.  It's a shame that it is so far from the ocean.